Casino – A Movie Review

Casinos are places where people can play games of chance or skill. Some games have an element of skill such as blackjack and video poker but most are pure chance. Casino customers gamble by putting money into games and the house takes a commission, or “rake,” from winning players. Casino games often have complicated rules and require attention and memory to win. Casino games can also help develop the brain by challenging it. The calculations and complexity of these games can strengthen the mind. The games can also provide a distraction from depression and other negative feelings. Gaming can also lead to socialization among players, a healthy form of entertainment.

A casino can be designed to make people want to stay and keep gambling by using lights, music, and visuals. They can even use a smell to lure patrons in. A smell that has been patented by the casino can be wafted through ventilation systems to create a euphoric atmosphere. The glitzy, brightly colored casinos are designed to stimulate the senses and create a manufactured feeling of luck and euphoria that keeps players coming back. Casinos also employ psychological tactics like near-wins to make players believe that luck is on their side, leading them to spend more time and money at the tables.

While other movies have touched on the gangster lifestyle of Las Vegas, few have done so with the depth and detail of Casino. The film is riveting throughout its three-hour length and features a great cast led by Robert De Niro.